The leaders at Capstone have a huge heart for all children - regardless of their family's financial situation, and we believe each and every child has the potential to become a World Changing Leader.
The goal of our new Adopt-a-Student Program is to build a scholarship fund that will allow at

least 20 percent of our student population to be children who come from low income families and neighborhoods.
Imagine the difference a PREMIER CHRISTIAN education could make for those children.
Imagine how each one of them could go on to CHANGE THE WORLD.
Adopt a Student Scholarship Committee
Our prayer is that this committee will be given wisdom and compassion and that they will make Holy Spirit-led decisions in comparing applications and awarding scholarships.
Scholarship Sponsors
That God would bring those who have a heart for helping low income children receive a premier education. Follow this link to our website to learn more.
New Commitments
We already have 3 major commitments for donations to this fund. What a blessing to be able to start this program in our first year of operation!
Watch the 2 minute video above to hear the human, life changing side of this program. Or click the button below to learn more and donate.
If you know someone who may be interested in applying for financial assistance, feel free to email us at for more information.