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Meet Tracy Kessler, our Preschool Director


Updated: Nov 12, 2021

It is a joy this week to introduce Tracy Kessler as Capstone's new Preschool Director.

If you look closely, you will notice she has a joy in her heart and a sparkle in her eyes when talking about children and parents. Tracy can visualize better than almost anyone how these small children will one day become World Changing Leaders. I've seen it first-hand over the last couple of months since she started.


  • Principal: The search is going very well and we hope to introduce this other key leader soon.

  • Intercessor prayer team: we are so grateful for their weekly prayers that have helped us purchase the building, find Tracy, and the answer to many other huge prayers.

Prayer Requests

  • Government approvals: please pray that all approvals will be received soon so we can open in February.

  • Remodel help for Admin Building: The length of the list and costs are higher than we expected for our first building on the Capstone campus. Please pray for help with reducing the scope and/or finding help from tradesman to get this building open and ready for business.

God Bless, Bill Wadley


A Letter from Tracy

Hello! My name is Tracy Kessler and I am the Preschool Director at Capstone Christian Academy.

I have worked in early education for over 16 years, and have a BA from the University of La Verne in Southern California. I got my start in education as a teacher, leading preschool, kindergarten readiness, and first and second grade special education classes for over 10 years. About 6 years ago, I began taking on school leadership roles.

I truly believe learning should be a life-long pursuit. One of the reasons I chose a career in early education is because I think that mentality has to start when you are young. I love watching children discover the joy of learning – that sense of wonder and excitement on a child’s face when they have one of those “aha” moments and hit a goal or milestone.

Something I have learned over the years is the importance of edifying others and teaching from the heart. One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” It’s a lesson I have tried to apply as a teacher and leader.

As Capstone’s preschool director, I take great pride in knowing that our school strives for excellence and quality in early education while partnering with families to nurture faith.

Capstone believes each child can change the world. We believe in equipping students with what they need to be successful in life while developing a real relationship in Jesus Christ.

Our desire is to journey with students from the age of 3 all the way up through high school.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little. At Capstone, my door is always open, so don’t be afraid to pop in and say hi!

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